
27 November 2023

Opening of the first sessions for receiving funding applications through PS PAC 2027

RIFA announces the launch of the session for receiving funding requests for projects to create or modernize agricultural access infrastructure and basic road infrastructure in rural areas, as well as for the installation of young farmers

04 December 2023

RIFA receives funding requests for settlement of crop, livestock and plant insurance premiums

RIFA announces the launch of the session for receiving funding requests for the settlement of crop, animal and plant insurance premiums through submeasure 17.1 of the National Rural Development Program 2014-2020.

27 November 2023

RIFA has published the conditions for accessing funds available through INVESTALIM

RIFA published the conditions for accessing the funds available for processors regarding the financing granted through the INVESTALIM National Program for the Development and Support of the Food Industry.

27 November 2023

RIFA for 23 years in the service of the Romanian village developed with European funds

The Rural Investments Financing Agency is celebrating 23 years since its establishment, during which it managed European funds for agriculture and the development of the rural environment in Romania.

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